
  Welcome to the world of Thread and Butter. My world. The world where if you want something, you don't go out and pick a mass produced, chemical filled item off the shelf, You make it.
  Here you'll learn how to make things you only thought you could buy at the store. Things like pickles, and headbands, aprons, candy, and much more.

 I started out selling pastries at the local Farmers Market, but I've now expanded my business into the blogging world. I don't just want to make things for people, I want to show people how to make things. Besides, I want to make such a variety of new things, the Farmers Market would overflow with my goods. I needed a larger outlet for my creative tendencies. The internet seems large enough... for now.

  So here you have the ultimate Do It Yourself blog, filled with recipes and step-by-step instructions for endless fun and food.
  In all my recipes and instructions I like to give you different options. Say you don't have a foam gardening block (What even is that?) to make a cake pop stand? It's ok, I'll show you how to use a shoe box instead.
  What if you like the pictures of the banana cake and you want to make it yourself, but you can't eat gluten? It's ok. I'll give you the gluten free recipe too.

  Just relax. You're in good hands. You and I are going to have some wonderful times creating things together.

 Welcome to Thread and Butter!

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