Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Painted Dried Flower Keepsakes

 So a couple weeks ago my most loyal reader (AKA, my grandma) gave me a call and said she had something she thought I might like to use in a craft for my blog. Curiosity pe
eked, I stopped by her house and she handed me this...

A beautiful shadow box. She had dried flowers and glued them in, and she used to have pictures glued to the wooden blocks. She said I could do whatever I wanted with it.
 The preserved flowers my grandmother had used reminded me that I had dried my bouquet from when I stood up in my sister, Yammie's wedding. I dried them with the idea that sometime I would make myself a little keepsake..

 So it all worked out perfectly, really. I transformed my grandma's shadow box into a modern little display. 

If you make a wedding keepsake shadow box, it's a fun idea to use the colors from the wedding when painting the frame and flowers!

 It brings out the color in the photos, and is reminiscent of the event....

 So let me give you some tips on creating your own colorful keepsake!

 What you'll need...

A shadow box with compartments
Little would blocks (Pieces of sticks found outside, or even rocks)
Tiny photo print-outs
Dried flowers
Acrylic Paint

 If you can take apart your shadow box at all, it's best to do that and paint the pieces of frame individually. The compartments I couldn't take apart, so I just painted more carefully for those.

 Remove a few buds from your dried flowers and brush it lightly with paint.

 While the flowers and frame are drying, select some photos from the event you're displaying and print out tiny versions of them.

 Reassemble your now painted frame. Glue in the flowers first, then the pictures onto the wood blocks or rocks, or whatever you're using, to create that 3D look.
(And don't be stupid like me and glue all your pictures upside down so that the hooks on the back meant for hanging are rendered useless...)

  Replace the glass part of the frame and let dry completely before hanging shadow box. Enjoy your colorful keepsake! I hope yours makes you smile as much as mine makes me smile :)

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