Saturday, April 30, 2016

DIY Pot Holders With a Hot Glue Gun!

 "I'm cool, I'm really crafty and stuff. I have good ideas, I just don't know how to sew, it's my only downfall. Otherwise I am the perfect human being."
 I hear people saying this all the time.

 Well, no, but I think people say it... probably.
 The point is, not everyone has a sewing machine. And even if you do, you might be too lazy to use it sometimes. At least that's how I felt today.

Soooo, we ran out of potholders. So I went out and bought a bunch of cheap ugly potholders, okay. I'm talking like... really really ugly... Those with a weak constitution should look away.......

  Yes, horrific, I know. We needed new potholers, and I was too cheap to go anywhere but the Dollar General. So I am going to show you how to transform these hideous freakazoids into beautiful (Functional) kitchen accessories...
So take your hot glue gun and plug it in. And don't be an idiot, like this sticker expects you to be. We aren't stupid, we know that hot glue guns are going to be hot.

Use an old sheet or item of clothing you don't use anymore. Trace the potholder with a pencil on the inside of the material.
Cut out the square leaving an inch or two of spare of fabric along the edge.

Along the square you penciled on, fold and glue the edges over.

OPTIONAL: Glue lace trimming along the edges.

Glue on the square of fabric (If you look closely you can see hot glue dried onto my fingers. Yes, I got burnt. Yes, I am an idiot.

If the piece of fabric for hanging is an ugly color (Mine were), cut it off and make your own. Glue it on.

And I used the lace of an old shirt and cut them to fit, glue the edges to a few of them. Pretty, huh?

I went all in, made an oven mitt.

Beautiful AND functional.

Make great gifts.

Have fun, and don't get burnt!

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